Monday, November 17, 2014

Be a decent person

"How can I expect the world to be full of decent people if I'm not one myself?"

This is what I came away with after today.

I didn't want to go to the grocery store. It was 5:15, which meant it'd be dark by the time we got to the store, and it was already down to 19 degrees, and Savannah had not napped so I knew she'd fall asleep in the car. I knew it'd be a hassle, and I dreaded it. But there were several items that we needed, so I bundled us up, loaded us up, and headed out.

And it was everything I hadn't expected. We sang along to the radio as if it was a sunny, rested day and not a cranky, sleepy, dinner-hour time. Savannah did fall asleep, but when I lifted her out of her seat she opened her eyes, looked around, and smiled at me.

We walked through the aisles, and I smiled at everyone we passed. Moved the giant car shopping cart out of the way of other shoppers and said "No problem" when they thanked me. Made parent jokes with other parents braving the cold Ohio night to fill their cupboards. I had already planned to get a few BOGO items and put the extra items in the food donation box they set out for the holidays.

We got to the register and as I set the first item down, the cashier set out the "register closed" sign. Instead of making me move, as he easily could have, he said he'd ring me up. He had a friendly smile and didn't mind that Savannah pushed the buttons on the key pad. He told Nevaeh the Ariel doll on top of his register wasn't for sale, but she should put it on her list for Santa (with a wink my way). He thanked me when I said I wanted some items set aside so I could put them in the donation box.

I couldn't find the donation box, though. The security guard didn't know where it had been moved, nor did anyone he asked. So I handed all the items except the pumpkin pie to an employee who would put it all with the "damaged" goods that they routinely donate to shelters.

In the parking lot, I approached a woman shutting her trunk and asked if she liked pumpkin pie. "No, I'm sorry, I don't." She replied. "That's ok, I just have this extra one and don't need it." I answered. Her face lit up and she told me how sweet I was to think of others. My heart grew.

The girls "steered" the car cart to the Mom Hot Rod (Ahem, mini man) and I started the car and strapped them in. Unloaded the groceries and offered the pie to a passerby who also politely declined. Apparently we were going home with two pumpkin pies. I went to put the cart in the return and saw it was a jumbled mess, so I zipped my coat up to my throat and started organizing them.

A man called out, "I see you being conscientious. I notice your kindness!" I looked up and smiled. "How can I expect the world to be full of decent people if I'm not one myself?" He agreed heartily and said my girls were precious.

My heart swelled.

This was a simple night. On a day already good I might not have noticed how great it was. But it was a night I expected to be a pain, and turned out not to be. And it made me more grateful. More willing to smile at others, even if it wasn't returned. More conscientious of jumbled carts that an employee would have to untangle in the freezing temperatures. The Holidays especially make me more aware that a lot of people can't just go to the store, no matter how inconvenient, to buy groceries that they don't need but could really use. To buy extra things to give away.

The world is full of good, kind, decent people. But in order to see them, to experience their kindness, I have to also express goodness, kindness, and decency. Give love; receive love. And even if love is not returned, my heart can still swell knowing I'm adding to the goodness, not giving in to what could have been a miserable night.

You got Ralphed

You guys are too young to understand what I mean when I say you got Ralphed. Give it time, my little ones. Soon you'll associate childhood Christmas memories with the tucked away thought of the most watched Christmas movie. A Christmas Story of course!

It snowed today. We've had flurries the past few days, and even a sprinkling back in October. But today, it snowed. 7 am, Nevaeh ran into me and Daddy's room. "Mommy oh my gosh snoooooow!" and by 7:15 you had your hat, gloves, scarf and boots on. Still in your pjs.

You were practicing making snowballs

And when I said we were going to wait a little while to go outside, you sat by the window and watched to make sure the snow wouldn't melt before you had a chance to play in it.

And then I set you and Savannah loose.

First I Ralphed you both. Savannah moreso, because she's tiny and already has trouble moving those chubby legs. Add two layers and a snowsuit and she was hilarious waddling through the snow!

Savannah, your first reaction with fallen leaves, snow, dirt, sand, anything, is to gather it up and throw it.

Snowballs are always the first thing to do!

I was nice and didn't snap a picture of you face-planting after this picture, my little Vannah

This is your first true snow play. Last year when you were 1, you wanted absolutely nothing to do with it
See? Circa 2013, you hated it!

Nevaeh, you make the best snow angels

Yes, Savannah, you still hate lying in it...

This is when Bubba ran over and you were getting ready to launch a snowball at him

Ok, so your first snow play was short lived. You were over it pretty quickly.

Daddy says we don't need our own dog because Bubba is our dog (Mommy disagrees)

You girls use those planter pots for everything. mostly dirt castles because we don't have sand unless we go to the beach. Today, snow castles!
Of course this is Olaf. We don't build regular Snowmen anymore (This was before you, Savannah, were totally over snow. You gave Olaf a chance)

And then we welcomed Winter with the first hot chocolate of the season! and kept adding marshmallows as these were eaten
Happy Winter, girls! I love you both (And brother too!)

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Mommy Rhymes

I love making up songs and rhymes for you kids. Most of the time it comes pretty naturally and really gets a laugh out of you!

Nevaeh, when you were born, none of the lullabies seemed right for you. So one night, when you were very very small, I sang your very own song.

You Are My Heaven (To the tune of "You are my Sunshine")

You are my Heaven, my Highest Heaven
When I am lonely, and I'm down
I just look up, and I see Dear
You are my Greatest Gift from above

(And of course, I call you my little slice of Heaven <3 )

Savannah, I wanted to do the same for you, but had a hard time thinking of one. For a while I would just hum a tuneless tune, and you seemed to love the sound. Then one night, it came to me.

Sleep well, my sweet Savannah (To the tune of "Swing low, sweet chariot")

Sleep well, my sweet Savannah
Settle down and have some sweet dreams
Sleep well, my darling baby
Settle down and have some sweet dreams

My love, for you Savannah
Reaches up above the highest stars
My love, for you, my honey
Reaches up above the highest stars

(I could get the sweetest smiles out of you just by singing that, and even now 2 years later, you realize that it's your special song)

When we clean up, we like to listen to music. When it's just a quick clean up, though, I wrote a little tune...

Start off with the traditional "clean up song"

Clean up, clean up, everybody, everywhere!
Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share

(then add in)

We clean up our toys, so there's not a mess
We clean up our toys, so people have to guess
If we ever play with toys, the answer is yes
But we clean up, clean up our mess

And today, Savannah, you and I doctored a song to fit all of us! Your favorite song is Patty Cake. I love it when you point your little fingers to "Mark it"

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man
Bake me a cake as fast you can!
Roll it, pat it, Mark it with a D
and put it in the oven for Daddy and Me!

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man
Bake me a cake as fast you can!
Roll it, pat it, Mark it with an M
and put it in the oven for Mommy and them!

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man
Bake me a cake as fast you can!
Roll it, pat it, Mark it with an L
and put it in the oven for Landon as well!

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man
Bake me a cake as fast you can!
Roll it, pat it, Mark it with an N
and put it in the oven for Nevaeh and Sven!

Patty Cake, Patty Cake, Baker's Man
Bake me a cake as fast you can!
Roll it, pat it, Mark it with an S
and put it in the oven for Savannah and us!

I love you, sweet babies! One of my favorite things is to sing songs with you, dance to any beat, and make up our own silly songs <3

Monday, August 18, 2014

The next adventure

Dear Nevaeh,

In less than 7 days, you will turn 4. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that you are growing up!

Since you were able to hold conversations, you have talked about going to school. You even talk about your "teacher" all the time. "I learned this as school yesterday" "My teacher showed me how to do this" "I went to the zoo with my teacher yesterday. We saw the elephants!" Lord knows who this teacher is, but she sounds pretty awesome! I hope your real teacher is even better.

Daddy and me have reached a crossroads in your preschool future. We have you enrolled at Grove City Preschools, but today I got a phone call saying our first choice, Parsons, has an opening just for you! So Daddy and I are taking some time over the next week to decide which will be best for you this year.

I can't wait for this new adventure with you, Nevaeh. To see you learn and grow in an environment outside the home we've made for you. To watch your wings grow and stretch and flap with anticipation of take off. Daddy and I will be waiting in the sky for you...Fly high, our little slice of Heaven!

Love, Mommy