Monday, November 17, 2014

You got Ralphed

You guys are too young to understand what I mean when I say you got Ralphed. Give it time, my little ones. Soon you'll associate childhood Christmas memories with the tucked away thought of the most watched Christmas movie. A Christmas Story of course!

It snowed today. We've had flurries the past few days, and even a sprinkling back in October. But today, it snowed. 7 am, Nevaeh ran into me and Daddy's room. "Mommy oh my gosh snoooooow!" and by 7:15 you had your hat, gloves, scarf and boots on. Still in your pjs.

You were practicing making snowballs

And when I said we were going to wait a little while to go outside, you sat by the window and watched to make sure the snow wouldn't melt before you had a chance to play in it.

And then I set you and Savannah loose.

First I Ralphed you both. Savannah moreso, because she's tiny and already has trouble moving those chubby legs. Add two layers and a snowsuit and she was hilarious waddling through the snow!

Savannah, your first reaction with fallen leaves, snow, dirt, sand, anything, is to gather it up and throw it.

Snowballs are always the first thing to do!

I was nice and didn't snap a picture of you face-planting after this picture, my little Vannah

This is your first true snow play. Last year when you were 1, you wanted absolutely nothing to do with it
See? Circa 2013, you hated it!

Nevaeh, you make the best snow angels

Yes, Savannah, you still hate lying in it...

This is when Bubba ran over and you were getting ready to launch a snowball at him

Ok, so your first snow play was short lived. You were over it pretty quickly.

Daddy says we don't need our own dog because Bubba is our dog (Mommy disagrees)

You girls use those planter pots for everything. mostly dirt castles because we don't have sand unless we go to the beach. Today, snow castles!
Of course this is Olaf. We don't build regular Snowmen anymore (This was before you, Savannah, were totally over snow. You gave Olaf a chance)

And then we welcomed Winter with the first hot chocolate of the season! and kept adding marshmallows as these were eaten
Happy Winter, girls! I love you both (And brother too!)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, you may get this comment twice, not sure....but anyway, I was wondering if you could tell me more about your homemade detergent? I am looking for ways to make more at home AND save money. IT seems that lots of these DIYs actually take more money to make then to just buy, but your detergent recipe looks like it could really work. Where do I get pure crystals/the less common ingredients from? do you ever try essential oils or anything else for scent? let me know if you get the chance...and thank you!!
