Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear children of mine

Sometimes you drive me insane.

Like when I let you play out back, because it's the end of October and a gorgeous 78 degrees.

And I think that I'm able to let you play on your own while I clean the living room.

And I check on you 5 minutes later.

And you're covered head to toe in dirt and water. And the patio is covered in mulch. And all the flowers have been picked. And the water table has transformed into a mud table.

Then I try to be stern by giving you a fast bath, no toys allowed. And you still giggle and splash like you've won a prize for getting dirty.

Then I put you down for a nap and secretly hope you'll whine and protest, so I can tell you that you both are going to bed because you were so sneaky and naughty outside. But instead I get silence and peacefully sleeping angels.

I love you both. You drive me insane some days!

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