Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Pain in my everything

Dear Baby Girl,
It has been a beautiful 10 months, feeling you grow in my belly. You are quite the energetic thing, and I have no doubt that energy is going to continue into the wee hours of the night once you're here. I can sense it; you are spirited and wild. Your brother was calm, though needy. You sister was content and watchful. You? You will be my challenge. I don't say this because I had a difficult pregnancy or because you cause me grief. Quite the opposite, my pregnancy with you has been 90% as breezy as my pregnancy with Nevaeh. I say this because already, before I even see your sweet face, I know your soul. I feel it in the way you power kick your brother and sister whenever they touch my belly. The possessive way you scoot over to push yourself against your daddy's hand, letting me and everyone know that he is yours. I feel it in the way you are always moving. No matter what, all I have to do is pause and think about you, and you start your acrobatics.
Now that we've established I know who you are and how you will be...let's prove it. Come on out. I am 39 weeks tomorrow, you have had an abundance of cooking time and the Dr. pegged you at 7 pounds 2 weeks ago, so I know you're plenty healthy. I know you are done because I can barely move. My feet and hands swell after a block of walking, my joints are all sore and tight, and I'm considering ordering a crane to help me hoist myself off the couch without cringing in uncomfortable achiness. I am grumpy and find myself aggravated for no reason at all. The nesting is in full throttle, and it's combating with my slight anemia and it's a cruel joke. It allows me to power clean one room before I collapse in exhaustion and need two days to recover, and by the time my energy returns, the room I cleaned has been disasterized by your fellow siblings and father.

Today is October 30th. Two days and it will be November 1st. I would absolutely love a November 1st baby. Let's have this one moment of cooperation and then you can carry on with your lifetime of challenges, ok?

I love you baby girl, can't wait to meet you!

Love, Mommy

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